▊ A Magic Faucet?
In the modern living, efficiency is key.
Hence we came out with Clarite® Magic Faucet, the solution for your washing experience.
Clarite® Magic Faucet is a multifunction Faucet. It offers a unique 2-in-1 function that improves your daily tasks.
Easily switch between Water & Shampoo, simplifies your workflow.
This is how it works:
▊ Easy Cleaning Way!
With Clarite®, you need no unnecessary actions.Designed for you and your efficient housework, with just easy setup, you can get a relax life after all.
With Clarite, you can
▶ Wash Dish
▶ Wash Hand
▶ Wash Sink
▶ Wash Laundry
It seamlessly blends convenience and versatility, providing a one-stop solution for all your kitchen needs.
With Clarite, you save a lot of shampoo washing your disturbing dishes.
The Unique Foam Technique, whether you're washing your hands, cleaning dishes, or giving the sink a quick rinse ......
The Clarite® Magic Faucet got you covered.
Clarite's instant foaming saves up your time, so you can clean the most volume, with the least consumption.
▊ How It Works
To introduce the best solution, Clarite has its own unique patent.
While pouring shampoo into the 200ml container, it mixes with a certain portion of water, in order to provide the most saving usage.
Here is what you get with Clarite:
▶ Model:Clarite D1
▶ Size:18.5 x 8.5 x 18cm
▶ Weight:0.35kg
▶ Container:200ml
▶ Color:White
▶ Include:6 Adapters
Clarite® Magic Faucet, the solution for your washing experience.

▊ Limited Time Only
No matter you're a housewife, a husband, or a child.
We believe Clarite suits every house, it helps improve overall cleaning experience.
With only RM79 now, this unique design is changing your washing experience
PRE-ORDER Clarite now!
▶ 12 months warranty
▶ FREE 6 adapters
▶ Delivers on January
Enjoy your easy washing experience!